PHPLD Template Carnival ver 3.1

Carnival - Template for PHPLD v3.1

Download:  Carnival 2.1 | Simple Tab
Carnival Template for v2.1 and v3.1 is available for free! It was tested with different browsers including Mozilla Firefox and I.E 6.

Carnival: PhpLD Template for v3.1

Carnival - for PHPLD 3.1

Sponsored by: Webverve Directory

By using this template, you agree not to remove the footer links to the designer and sponsor. You are also agree not to alter the designer or sponsor link by using nofollow or similar tag.

Carnival v3.1

If you are using Carnival ver 3.1 template on your directory, let us know and we will be glad to add your directory as live demo.


Free PHPLD Template
»Iris Green v2.1,3.1,3.2
»Simple Tab 2.x
»Carnival 2.1
»Carnival 3.1

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